Personal style can be shared by many people but I think personal taste in art can go way deeper. Everyone has a different reason why they love a piece, and like Jackson Pollock's work either you like it or you don't. Perhaps there is a personal reason that strikes you with the subject, or its content makes you laugh or even cry. Maybe there was something happening in your life at the time that really helped you relate to that certain piece. Whatever the reasons, art can take your interiors to a whole different personal level, and thats what makes you unique.
It seems fitting since Fat Tuesday just passed yesterday that I tell you about the custom Mardi Gras bead art that I am having made! Here is an example of the artists work below, but instead of diet coke (which I rarely drink) I'm having him construct a swanky bottle of Veuve Cliquot champagne. I know I know, I'm classy like that ;) Check out artist, Rob Corley's shop desertjuan on Etsy.

This photograph just makes me smile, and its perfect for the loo.
Steph just sent me a link to talented pet photographer Seth Casteel's site Little Friends Lifestyle Photography, and I fell in love with these hysterical photos of dogs jumping into the water.
As you can see I have a thing for humor and/or texture using different mediums, like collage. And this bottle cap art by Molly B Right has always struck me as breathtaking. I wrote a post on the artist last year, check here.
Saw this idea on Pinterest with big designer name shopping bags. Genius, and adorable for that walk-in closet of course.
Again with my love for texture. Here is lingerie pressed into velvet fabric and then framed by Aviva Stanoff.
Simple and graphic. Love the script. Besides all that the word describes me perfectly.
And of course I had to mention Sagittarius Gallery on Etsy again because her abstract nudes are amazing and I think I need another painting of hers.
So that's my kooky taste in a nut shell. :)